Materials & Sourcing

Here you will find information on all of the materials I use to produce my products and from where they are sourced.

  • I utilize a variety of oils depending on the type of soap I am making. Oils I use regularly include olive oil, grapeseed oil, and coconut oil. I will also occasionally use avocado, castor, and sunflower oil. Each bar has its full ingredients listed in the shop. Please read carefully if you have any allergies.

    I purchase my oils from either Bulk Apothecary or Soaper's Choice.

  • I make it a point to only use well sourced essential oils. Essential oils are a largely poorly regulated market and it is easy to end up with an oil marketed as an essential oil that is actually just an artificial fragrance oils. I source from Nature in a Bottle.

  • I utilize a variety of natural colorants, many of which I grow myself on the farm, ie carrots, parsley, indigo. I will outsource natural clays and colorants like charcoal or sandalwood. It is my policy to only use naturally derived colorants in my products.

  • I source my goat’s milk from Go Goat’s Milk in Middletown, NY. It is raw and they are a small goat dairy operation specializing in cheeses and yogurts.

  • I source my tallow from Banbury Cross Farm in Goshen, NY. The tallow comes from 100% grass fed Scottish Highland Cows. Banbury Cross Farm is home to several different types of livestock and is an excellent source of local meat.